In this episode of the Proskauer Benefits Brief, partner Robert Projansky and associate Katrina McCann discuss the recent district court case, Texas et al. v. The United States of America, which declared the Affordable Care Act (ACA) unconstitutional. On December 14, 2018, a district court judge in the Northern District of Texas deemed the entirety of the Affordable Care Act invalid because he found the individual mandate to be unconstitutional. From what would happen to the employer mandate to emergency care coverage, tune in as we discuss what these changes could mean for employers and plan sponsors if the court’s decision is ultimately upheld.
Tax Reform
Tax Reform Act Denies Deductions for Some Sexual Harassment Settlements
By Tony Oncidi on
In a little-noticed provision buried deep inside the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (signed into law on Dec. 22) is the following “denial of deduction”:
“Payments related to sexual harassment and sexual abuse – No deduction shall be allowed under this chapter for –
- any settlement or payment related to sexual harassment or
Tax Reform Contemplates Changes to Employee Benefits
By Damian A. Myers & Justin Alex on
The House Committee on Ways and Means publicly released a working draft of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act for the first time on Thursday. In the weeks leading up to the release of the draft, speculation has swirled as to whether it would eliminate or otherwise limit the ability to make pre-tax employee deferrals…